public abstract class EntityPlayer extends EntityLivingBase
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
EntityPlayer.EnumChatVisibility |
static class |
EntityPlayer.SleepResult |
activeItemStack, activeItemStackUseCount, arrowHitTimer, attackedAtYaw, attackingPlayer, cameraPitch, dead, deathTime, HAND_STATES, hurtTime, idleTime, interpTargetPitch, interpTargetX, interpTargetY, interpTargetYaw, interpTargetZ, isJumping, isSwingInProgress, jumpMovementFactor, lastDamage, limbSwing, limbSwingAmount, maxHurtResistantTime, maxHurtTime, movedDistance, moveForward, moveStrafing, moveVertical, newPosRotationIncrements, onGroundSpeedFactor, prevCameraPitch, prevLimbSwingAmount, prevMovedDistance, prevOnGroundSpeedFactor, prevRenderYawOffset, prevRotationYawHead, prevSwingProgress, randomUnused1, randomUnused2, randomYawVelocity, recentlyHit, renderYawOffset, rotationYawHead, scoreValue, swingingHand, swingProgress, swingProgressInt, ticksElytraFlying, ticksSinceLastSwing, unused180
addedToChunk, cachedUniqueIdString, capturedDrops, captureDrops, chunkCoordX, chunkCoordY, chunkCoordZ, collided, collidedHorizontally, collidedVertically, dataManager, dimension, distanceWalkedModified, distanceWalkedOnStepModified, entityCollisionReduction, entityUniqueID, fallDistance, firstUpdate, FLAGS, forceSpawn, glowing, height, hurtResistantTime, ignoreFrustumCheck, inPortal, inWater, isAirBorne, isDead, isImmuneToFire, isInWeb, lastPortalPos, lastPortalVec, lastTickPosX, lastTickPosY, lastTickPosZ, motionX, motionY, motionZ, noClip, onGround, portalCounter, posX, posY, posZ, prevDistanceWalkedModified, preventEntitySpawning, prevPosX, prevPosY, prevPosZ, prevRotationPitch, prevRotationYaw, rand, rideCooldown, rotationPitch, rotationYaw, serverPosX, serverPosY, serverPosZ, stepHeight, teleportDirection, ticksExisted, timeUntilPortal, updateBlocked, velocityChanged, width, world
Constructor and Description |
EntityPlayer(World worldIn,
com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile gameProfileIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
addExhaustion(float exhaustion) |
void |
addExperience(int amount) |
void |
addExperienceLevel(int levels) |
boolean |
addItemStackToInventory(ItemStack p_191521_1_) |
void |
addMovementStat(double p_71000_1_,
double p_71000_3_,
double p_71000_5_) |
void |
addPrefix(ITextComponent prefix)
Add a prefix to the player's username in chat
void |
addScore(int scoreIn) |
boolean |
addShoulderEntity(NBTTagCompound p_192027_1_) |
void |
addStat(StatBase stat) |
void |
addStat(StatBase stat,
int amount) |
void |
addSuffix(ITextComponent suffix)
Add a suffix to the player's username in chat
protected void |
applyEntityAttributes() |
void |
applyEntityCollision(Entity entityIn) |
boolean |
attackEntityFrom(DamageSource source,
float amount) |
void |
attackTargetEntityWithCurrentItem(Entity targetEntity) |
protected void |
blockUsingShield(EntityLivingBase p_190629_1_) |
boolean |
canAttackPlayer(EntityPlayer other) |
boolean |
canEat(boolean ignoreHunger) |
boolean |
canHarvestBlock(IBlockState state) |
boolean |
canOpen(LockCode code) |
boolean |
canPlayerEdit(BlockPos pos,
EnumFacing facing,
ItemStack stack) |
protected boolean |
canTriggerWalking() |
boolean |
canUseCommandBlock() |
void |
closeScreen() |
protected CooldownTracker |
createCooldownTracker() |
protected void |
damageArmor(float damage) |
protected void |
damageEntity(DamageSource damageSrc,
float damageAmount) |
protected void |
damageShield(float damage) |
protected void |
destroyVanishingCursedItems() |
void |
disableShield(boolean p_190777_1_) |
void |
dismountRidingEntity() |
void |
displayGui(IInteractionObject guiOwner) |
void |
displayGUIChest(IInventory chestInventory) |
void |
displayGuiCommandBlock(TileEntityCommandBlock commandBlock) |
void |
displayGuiEditCommandCart(CommandBlockBaseLogic commandBlock) |
void |
displayVillagerTradeGui(IMerchant villager) |
protected void |
doWaterSplashEffect() |
EntityItem |
dropItem(boolean dropAll) |
EntityItem |
dropItem(ItemStack itemStackIn,
boolean unused) |
EntityItem |
dropItem(ItemStack droppedItem,
boolean dropAround,
boolean traceItem) |
ItemStack |
dropItemAndGetStack(EntityItem p_184816_1_) |
protected void |
entityInit() |
void |
fall(float distance,
float damageMultiplier) |
float |
getAbsorptionAmount() |
float |
getAIMoveSpeed() |
boolean |
getAlwaysRenderNameTagForRender() |
java.lang.Iterable<ItemStack> |
getArmorInventoryList() |
float |
getArmorVisibility() |
BlockPos |
getBedLocation() |
BlockPos |
getBedLocation(int dimension)
A dimension aware version of getBedLocation.
float |
getBedOrientationInDegrees() |
static BlockPos |
getBedSpawnLocation(World worldIn,
BlockPos bedLocation,
boolean forceSpawn) |
<T> T |
getCapability(Capability<T> capability,
EnumFacing facing)
Retrieves the handler for the capability requested on the specific side.
float |
getCooldownPeriod() |
CooldownTracker |
getCooldownTracker() |
float |
getCooledAttackStrength(float adjustTicks) |
protected SoundEvent |
getDeathSound() |
float |
Returns the default eye height of the player
float |
getDigSpeed(IBlockState state)
float |
getDigSpeed(IBlockState state,
BlockPos pos) |
ITextComponent |
getDisplayName() |
java.lang.String |
Get the currently computed display name, cached for efficiency.
protected int |
getExperiencePoints(EntityPlayer player) |
float |
getEyeHeight() |
protected SoundEvent |
getFallSound(int heightIn) |
protected int |
getFireImmuneTicks() |
FoodStats |
getFoodStats() |
com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile |
getGameProfile() |
java.lang.Iterable<ItemStack> |
getHeldEquipment() |
protected SoundEvent |
getHurtSound(DamageSource damageSourceIn) |
InventoryEnderChest |
getInventoryEnderChest() |
ItemStack |
getItemStackFromSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot slotIn) |
NBTTagCompound |
getLeftShoulderEntity() |
float |
getLuck() |
int |
getMaxInPortalTime() |
java.lang.String |
getName() |
static java.util.UUID |
getOfflineUUID(java.lang.String username) |
int |
getPortalCooldown() |
java.util.Collection<ITextComponent> |
getPrefixes() |
EnumHandSide |
getPrimaryHand() |
NBTTagCompound |
getRightShoulderEntity() |
int |
getScore() |
int |
getSleepTimer() |
SoundCategory |
getSoundCategory() |
int |
getSpawnDimension() |
protected SoundEvent |
getSplashSound() |
java.util.Collection<ITextComponent> |
getSuffixes() |
protected SoundEvent |
getSwimSound() |
Team |
getTeam() |
static java.util.UUID |
getUUID(com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile profile) |
Scoreboard |
getWorldScoreboard() |
int |
getXPSeed() |
double |
getYOffset() |
void |
handleStatusUpdate(byte id) |
boolean |
hasCapability(Capability<?> capability,
EnumFacing facing)
Determines if this object has support for the capability in question on the specific side.
boolean |
hasReducedDebug() |
boolean |
hasSpawnDimension() |
EnumActionResult |
interactOn(Entity p_190775_1_,
EnumHand p_190775_2_) |
boolean |
isAllowEdit() |
abstract boolean |
isCreative() |
boolean |
isEntityInsideOpaqueBlock() |
boolean |
isInvisibleToPlayer(EntityPlayer player) |
protected boolean |
isMovementBlocked() |
protected boolean |
isPlayer() |
boolean |
isPlayerFullyAsleep() |
boolean |
isPlayerSleeping() |
boolean |
isPushedByWater() |
boolean |
boolean |
isSpawnForced(int dimension)
A dimension aware version of isSpawnForced.
abstract boolean |
isSpectator() |
boolean |
isUser() |
boolean |
isWearing(EnumPlayerModelParts part) |
void |
jump() |
void |
onCriticalHit(Entity entityHit) |
void |
onDeath(DamageSource cause) |
void |
onEnchant(ItemStack enchantedItem,
int cost) |
void |
onEnchantmentCritical(Entity entityHit) |
void |
onKillEntity(EntityLivingBase entityLivingIn) |
void |
onLivingUpdate() |
void |
onUpdate() |
void |
openBook(ItemStack stack,
EnumHand hand) |
void |
openEditSign(TileEntitySign signTile) |
void |
openEditStructure(TileEntityStructure structure) |
void |
openGui(java.lang.Object mod,
int modGuiId,
World world,
int x,
int y,
int z)
Opens a GUI with this player, uses FML's IGuiHandler system.
void |
openGuiHorseInventory(AbstractHorse horse,
IInventory inventoryIn) |
void |
playSound(SoundEvent soundIn,
float volume,
float pitch) |
void |
preparePlayerToSpawn() |
void |
readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) |
void |
Force the displayed name to refresh
static void |
registerFixesPlayer(DataFixer fixer) |
boolean |
replaceItemInInventory(int inventorySlot,
ItemStack itemStackIn) |
void |
resetCooldown() |
void |
resetRecipes(java.util.List<IRecipe> p_192022_1_) |
void |
respawnPlayer() |
boolean |
sendCommandFeedback() |
void |
sendPlayerAbilities() |
void |
sendStatusMessage(ITextComponent chatComponent,
boolean actionBar) |
void |
setAbsorptionAmount(float amount) |
void |
setDead() |
void |
setGameType(GameType gameType) |
void |
setInWeb() |
void |
setItemStackToSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot slotIn,
ItemStack stack) |
protected void |
setLeftShoulderEntity(NBTTagCompound tag) |
void |
setPrimaryHand(EnumHandSide hand) |
void |
setReducedDebug(boolean reducedDebug) |
protected void |
setRightShoulderEntity(NBTTagCompound tag) |
void |
setScore(int scoreIn) |
void |
setSpawnChunk(BlockPos pos,
boolean forced,
int dimension)
A dimension aware version of setSpawnChunk.
void |
setSpawnDimension(java.lang.Integer dimension) |
void |
setSpawnPoint(BlockPos pos,
boolean forced) |
boolean |
shouldHeal() |
protected void |
spawnShoulderEntities() |
void |
spawnSweepParticles() |
void |
takeStat(StatBase stat) |
void |
travel(float strafe,
float vertical,
float forward) |
EntityPlayer.SleepResult |
trySleep(BlockPos bedLocation) |
void |
unlockRecipes(java.util.List<IRecipe> p_192021_1_) |
void |
unlockRecipes(ResourceLocation[] p_193102_1_) |
protected void |
updateEntityActionState() |
void |
updateRidden() |
protected void |
updateSize() |
void |
wakeUpPlayer(boolean immediately,
boolean updateWorldFlag,
boolean setSpawn) |
void |
writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) |
int |
xpBarCap() |
addPotionEffect, applyArmorCalculations, applyPotionDamageCalculations, areAllPotionsAmbient, attackable, attackEntityAsMob, attemptTeleport, canBeCollidedWith, canBeHitWithPotion, canBePushed, canBreatheUnderwater, canDropLoot, canEntityBeSeen, clearActivePotions, collideWithEntity, collideWithNearbyEntities, curePotionEffects, decreaseAirSupply, dismountEntity, dropEquipment, dropFewItems, dropLoot, frostWalk, getActiveHand, getActiveItemStack, getActivePotionEffect, getActivePotionEffects, getActivePotionMap, getArrowCountInEntity, getAttackingEntity, getAttributeMap, getCombatTracker, getCreatureAttribute, getEntityAttribute, getHealth, getHeldItem, getHeldItemMainhand, getHeldItemOffhand, getIdleTime, getItemInUseCount, getItemInUseMaxCount, getJumpUpwardsMotion, getLastAttackedEntity, getLastAttackedEntityTime, getLastDamageSource, getLook, getMaxHealth, getRevengeTarget, getRevengeTimer, getRNG, getRotationYawHead, getSoundPitch, getSoundVolume, getSwingProgress, getTicksElytraFlying, getTotalArmorValue, getWaterSlowDown, handleJumpLava, handleJumpWater, hasItemInSlot, heal, isActiveItemStackBlocking, isChild, isElytraFlying, isEntityAlive, isEntityUndead, isHandActive, isOnLadder, isPotionActive, isPotionApplicable, isServerWorld, knockBack, markPotionsDirty, markVelocityChanged, notifyDataManagerChange, onChangedPotionEffect, onDeathUpdate, onEntityUpdate, onFinishedPotionEffect, onItemPickup, onItemUseFinish, onKillCommand, onNewPotionEffect, outOfWorld, performHurtAnimation, playEquipSound, playHurtSound, removeActivePotionEffect, removePotionEffect, renderBrokenItemStack, resetActiveHand, resetPotionEffectMetadata, sendEndCombat, sendEnterCombat, setActiveHand, setAIMoveSpeed, setArrowCountInEntity, setHealth, setHeldItem, setJumping, setLastAttackedEntity, setPartying, setPositionAndRotationDirect, setRenderYawOffset, setRevengeTarget, setRotationYawHead, setSprinting, shouldRiderFaceForward, stopActiveHand, swingArm, updateActiveHand, updateArmSwingProgress, updateDistance, updateFallState, updateItemUse, updatePotionEffects, updatePotionMetadata
addEntityCrashInfo, addPassenger, addTag, addTrackingPlayer, addVelocity, applyEnchantments, applyOrientationToEntity, applyPlayerInteraction, awardKillScore, canBeAttackedWithItem, canBeRidden, canExplosionDestroyBlock, canFitPassenger, canPassengerSteer, canRenderOnFire, canRiderInteract, canTrample, canUseCommand, changeDimension, copyLocationAndAnglesFrom, createRunningParticles, dealFireDamage, decrementTimeUntilPortal, deserializeNBT, doBlockCollisions, doesEntityNotTriggerPressurePlate, dropItem, dropItemWithOffset, entityDropItem, equals, extinguish, getAdjustedHorizontalFacing, getAir, getAlwaysRenderNameTag, getBrightness, getBrightnessForRender, getCachedUniqueIdString, getCollisionBorderSize, getCollisionBoundingBox, getCollisionBox, getCommandSenderEntity, getCommandStats, getControllingPassenger, getCustomNameTag, getDataManager, getDistance, getDistance, getDistanceSq, getDistanceSq, getDistanceSq, getDistanceSqToCenter, getEntityBoundingBox, getEntityData, getEntityId, getEntityString, getEntityWorld, getEquipmentAndArmor, getExplosionResistance, getFlag, getForward, getHorizontalFacing, getHoverEvent, getIsInvulnerable, getLastPortalVec, getLookVec, getLowestRidingEntity, getMaxFallHeight, getMirroredYaw, getMountedYOffset, getParts, getPassengers, getPersistentID, getPickedResult, getPitchYaw, getPosition, getPositionEyes, getPositionVector, getPushReaction, getRecursivePassengers, getRecursivePassengersByType, getRenderBoundingBox, getRenderDistanceWeight, getRidingEntity, getRotatedYaw, getServer, getTags, getTeleportDirection, getUniqueID, getVectorForRotation, handleWaterMovement, hasCustomName, hashCode, hasNoGravity, hitByEntity, ignoreItemEntityData, isBeingRidden, isBurning, isCreatureType, isEntityEqual, isEntityInvulnerable, isGlowing, isImmuneToExplosions, isImmuneToFire, isInLava, isInRangeToRender3d, isInRangeToRenderDist, isInsideOfMaterial, isInvisible, isInWater, isNonBoss, isOffsetPositionInLiquid, isOnSameTeam, isOnScoreboardTeam, isOutsideBorder, isOverWater, isPassenger, isRiding, isRidingOrBeingRiddenBy, isRidingSameEntity, isSilent, isSneaking, isSpectatedByPlayer, isSprinting, isWet, makeFlySound, move, moveRelative, moveToBlockPosAndAngles, newDoubleNBTList, newFloatNBTList, onCollideWithPlayer, onInsideBlock, onStruckByLightning, playFlySound, playStepSound, processInitialInteract, pushOutOfBlocks, rayTrace, readFromNBT, registerFixes, removePassenger, removePassengers, removeTag, removeTrackingPlayer, resetEntityId, resetPositionToBB, sendMessage, serializeNBT, setAir, setAlwaysRenderNameTag, setCommandStat, setCommandStats, setCustomNameTag, setDropItemsWhenDead, setEntityBoundingBox, setEntityId, setEntityInvulnerable, setFire, setFlag, setGlowing, setInvisible, setLocationAndAngles, setNoGravity, setOnFireFromLava, setOutsideBorder, setPortal, setPosition, setPositionAndRotation, setPositionAndUpdate, setPositionNonDirty, setRenderDistanceWeight, setRotation, setSilent, setSize, setSneaking, setUniqueId, setVelocity, setWorld, shouldDismountInWater, shouldRenderInPass, shouldRiderSit, shouldSetPosAfterLoading, spawnRunningParticles, startRiding, startRiding, toString, turn, updatePassenger, writeToNBT, writeToNBTAtomically, writeToNBTOptional
public static final java.lang.String PERSISTED_NBT_TAG
protected java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,BlockPos> spawnChunkMap
protected java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Boolean> spawnForcedMap
public float eyeHeight
public static final IAttribute REACH_DISTANCE
protected static final DataParameter<java.lang.Byte> PLAYER_MODEL_FLAG
protected static final DataParameter<java.lang.Byte> MAIN_HAND
protected static final DataParameter<NBTTagCompound> LEFT_SHOULDER_ENTITY
protected static final DataParameter<NBTTagCompound> RIGHT_SHOULDER_ENTITY
public InventoryPlayer inventory
protected InventoryEnderChest enderChest
public Container inventoryContainer
public Container openContainer
protected FoodStats foodStats
protected int flyToggleTimer
public float prevCameraYaw
public float cameraYaw
public int xpCooldown
public double prevChasingPosX
public double prevChasingPosY
public double prevChasingPosZ
public double chasingPosX
public double chasingPosY
public double chasingPosZ
protected boolean sleeping
public BlockPos bedLocation
public float renderOffsetX
public float renderOffsetY
public float renderOffsetZ
public PlayerCapabilities capabilities
public int experienceLevel
public int experienceTotal
public float experience
protected int xpSeed
protected float speedInAir
@Nullable public EntityFishHook fishEntity
public EntityPlayer(World worldIn, com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile gameProfileIn)
protected CooldownTracker createCooldownTracker()
protected void applyEntityAttributes()
in class EntityLivingBase
protected void entityInit()
in class EntityLivingBase
public void onUpdate()
in class EntityLivingBase
protected void updateSize()
public int getMaxInPortalTime()
in class Entity
protected SoundEvent getSwimSound()
in class Entity
protected SoundEvent getSplashSound()
in class Entity
public int getPortalCooldown()
in class Entity
public void playSound(SoundEvent soundIn, float volume, float pitch)
public SoundCategory getSoundCategory()
in class Entity
protected int getFireImmuneTicks()
in class Entity
public void handleStatusUpdate(byte id)
in class EntityLivingBase
protected boolean isMovementBlocked()
in class EntityLivingBase
public void closeScreen()
public void updateRidden()
in class EntityLivingBase
public void preparePlayerToSpawn()
in class Entity
protected void updateEntityActionState()
in class EntityLivingBase
public void onLivingUpdate()
in class EntityLivingBase
public int getScore()
public void setScore(int scoreIn)
public void addScore(int scoreIn)
public void onDeath(DamageSource cause)
in class EntityLivingBase
protected void destroyVanishingCursedItems()
protected SoundEvent getHurtSound(DamageSource damageSourceIn)
in class EntityLivingBase
protected SoundEvent getDeathSound()
in class EntityLivingBase
@Nullable public EntityItem dropItem(boolean dropAll)
@Nullable public EntityItem dropItem(ItemStack itemStackIn, boolean unused)
@Nullable public EntityItem dropItem(ItemStack droppedItem, boolean dropAround, boolean traceItem)
public ItemStack dropItemAndGetStack(EntityItem p_184816_1_)
@Deprecated public float getDigSpeed(IBlockState state)
public float getDigSpeed(IBlockState state, BlockPos pos)
public boolean canHarvestBlock(IBlockState state)
public static void registerFixesPlayer(DataFixer fixer)
public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound)
in class EntityLivingBase
public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound)
in class EntityLivingBase
public boolean attackEntityFrom(DamageSource source, float amount)
in class EntityLivingBase
protected void blockUsingShield(EntityLivingBase p_190629_1_)
in class EntityLivingBase
public boolean canAttackPlayer(EntityPlayer other)
protected void damageArmor(float damage)
in class EntityLivingBase
protected void damageShield(float damage)
in class EntityLivingBase
public float getArmorVisibility()
protected void damageEntity(DamageSource damageSrc, float damageAmount)
in class EntityLivingBase
public void openEditSign(TileEntitySign signTile)
public void displayGuiEditCommandCart(CommandBlockBaseLogic commandBlock)
public void displayGuiCommandBlock(TileEntityCommandBlock commandBlock)
public void openEditStructure(TileEntityStructure structure)
public void displayVillagerTradeGui(IMerchant villager)
public void displayGUIChest(IInventory chestInventory)
public void openGuiHorseInventory(AbstractHorse horse, IInventory inventoryIn)
public void displayGui(IInteractionObject guiOwner)
public EnumActionResult interactOn(Entity p_190775_1_, EnumHand p_190775_2_)
public double getYOffset()
in class Entity
public void dismountRidingEntity()
in class EntityLivingBase
public void attackTargetEntityWithCurrentItem(Entity targetEntity)
public void disableShield(boolean p_190777_1_)
public void onCriticalHit(Entity entityHit)
public void onEnchantmentCritical(Entity entityHit)
public void spawnSweepParticles()
public void respawnPlayer()
public boolean isEntityInsideOpaqueBlock()
in class Entity
public boolean isUser()
public com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile getGameProfile()
public EntityPlayer.SleepResult trySleep(BlockPos bedLocation)
public void wakeUpPlayer(boolean immediately, boolean updateWorldFlag, boolean setSpawn)
@Nullable public static BlockPos getBedSpawnLocation(World worldIn, BlockPos bedLocation, boolean forceSpawn)
public float getBedOrientationInDegrees()
public boolean isPlayerSleeping()
in class EntityLivingBase
public boolean isPlayerFullyAsleep()
public int getSleepTimer()
public void sendStatusMessage(ITextComponent chatComponent, boolean actionBar)
public BlockPos getBedLocation()
@Deprecated public boolean isSpawnForced()
public void setSpawnPoint(BlockPos pos, boolean forced)
public void addStat(StatBase stat)
public void addStat(StatBase stat, int amount)
public void takeStat(StatBase stat)
public void unlockRecipes(java.util.List<IRecipe> p_192021_1_)
public void unlockRecipes(ResourceLocation[] p_193102_1_)
public void resetRecipes(java.util.List<IRecipe> p_192022_1_)
public void jump()
in class EntityLivingBase
public void travel(float strafe, float vertical, float forward)
in class EntityLivingBase
public float getAIMoveSpeed()
in class EntityLivingBase
public void addMovementStat(double p_71000_1_, double p_71000_3_, double p_71000_5_)
public void fall(float distance, float damageMultiplier)
in class EntityLivingBase
protected void doWaterSplashEffect()
in class Entity
protected SoundEvent getFallSound(int heightIn)
in class EntityLivingBase
public void onKillEntity(EntityLivingBase entityLivingIn)
in class Entity
public void addExperience(int amount)
public int getXPSeed()
public void onEnchant(ItemStack enchantedItem, int cost)
public void addExperienceLevel(int levels)
public int xpBarCap()
public void addExhaustion(float exhaustion)
public FoodStats getFoodStats()
public boolean canEat(boolean ignoreHunger)
public boolean shouldHeal()
public boolean isAllowEdit()
public boolean canPlayerEdit(BlockPos pos, EnumFacing facing, ItemStack stack)
protected int getExperiencePoints(EntityPlayer player)
in class EntityLivingBase
protected boolean isPlayer()
in class EntityLivingBase
public boolean getAlwaysRenderNameTagForRender()
in class EntityLivingBase
protected boolean canTriggerWalking()
in class Entity
public void sendPlayerAbilities()
public void setGameType(GameType gameType)
public java.lang.String getName()
in interface ICommandSender
in class Entity
public InventoryEnderChest getInventoryEnderChest()
public ItemStack getItemStackFromSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot slotIn)
in class EntityLivingBase
public void setItemStackToSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot slotIn, ItemStack stack)
in class EntityLivingBase
public boolean addItemStackToInventory(ItemStack p_191521_1_)
public java.lang.Iterable<ItemStack> getHeldEquipment()
in class Entity
public java.lang.Iterable<ItemStack> getArmorInventoryList()
in class EntityLivingBase
public boolean addShoulderEntity(NBTTagCompound p_192027_1_)
protected void spawnShoulderEntities()
public boolean isInvisibleToPlayer(EntityPlayer player)
in class Entity
public abstract boolean isSpectator()
public abstract boolean isCreative()
public boolean isPushedByWater()
in class Entity
public Scoreboard getWorldScoreboard()
public ITextComponent getDisplayName()
in interface ICommandSender
in class Entity
public float getEyeHeight()
in class Entity
public void setAbsorptionAmount(float amount)
in class EntityLivingBase
public float getAbsorptionAmount()
in class EntityLivingBase
public static java.util.UUID getUUID(com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile profile)
public static java.util.UUID getOfflineUUID(java.lang.String username)
public boolean canOpen(LockCode code)
public boolean isWearing(EnumPlayerModelParts part)
public boolean sendCommandFeedback()
in interface ICommandSender
in class Entity
public boolean replaceItemInInventory(int inventorySlot, ItemStack itemStackIn)
in class Entity
public boolean hasReducedDebug()
public void setReducedDebug(boolean reducedDebug)
public EnumHandSide getPrimaryHand()
in class EntityLivingBase
public void setPrimaryHand(EnumHandSide hand)
public NBTTagCompound getLeftShoulderEntity()
protected void setLeftShoulderEntity(NBTTagCompound tag)
public NBTTagCompound getRightShoulderEntity()
protected void setRightShoulderEntity(NBTTagCompound tag)
public float getCooldownPeriod()
public float getCooledAttackStrength(float adjustTicks)
public void resetCooldown()
public CooldownTracker getCooldownTracker()
public void applyEntityCollision(Entity entityIn)
in class Entity
public float getLuck()
public boolean canUseCommandBlock()
public void openGui(java.lang.Object mod, int modGuiId, World world, int x, int y, int z)
- The mod trying to open a GUImodGuiId
- GUI IDworld
- Current Worldx
- Passed directly to IGuiHandler, data meaningless Typically world X positiony
- Passed directly to IGuiHandler, data meaningless Typically world Y positionz
- Passed directly to IGuiHandler, data meaningless Typically world Z positionpublic BlockPos getBedLocation(int dimension)
- The dimension to get the bed spawn forpublic boolean isSpawnForced(int dimension)
- The dimension to get whether to check for a bed before spawning forpublic void setSpawnChunk(BlockPos pos, boolean forced, int dimension)
- The spawn point to set as the player-specific spawn point for the dimensionforced
- Whether or not the respawn code should check for a bed at this location (true means it won't check for a bed)dimension
- Which dimension to apply the player-specific respawn point topublic float getDefaultEyeHeight()
public java.lang.String getDisplayNameString()
public void refreshDisplayName()
public void addPrefix(ITextComponent prefix)
- The prefixpublic void addSuffix(ITextComponent suffix)
- The suffixpublic java.util.Collection<ITextComponent> getPrefixes()
public java.util.Collection<ITextComponent> getSuffixes()
@Nullable public <T> T getCapability(Capability<T> capability, @Nullable EnumFacing facing)
in interface ICapabilityProvider
in class EntityLivingBase
- The capability to checkfacing
- The Side to check from:
CAN BE NULL. Null is defined to represent 'internal' or 'self'ICapabilityProvider.hasCapability(Capability, EnumFacing)
would return false.public boolean hasCapability(Capability<?> capability, @Nullable EnumFacing facing)
in interface ICapabilityProvider
in class EntityLivingBase
- The capability to checkfacing
- The Side to check from:
CAN BE NULL. Null is defined to represent 'internal' or 'self'public boolean hasSpawnDimension()
public int getSpawnDimension()
public void setSpawnDimension(@Nullable java.lang.Integer dimension)