public class GuiIngameForge extends GuiIngame
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static int |
left_height |
static boolean |
renderAir |
static boolean |
renderArmor |
static boolean |
renderBossHealth |
static boolean |
renderCrosshairs |
static boolean |
renderExperiance |
static boolean |
renderFood |
static boolean |
renderHealth |
static boolean |
renderHealthMount |
static boolean |
renderHelmet |
static boolean |
renderHotbar |
static boolean |
renderJumpBar |
static boolean |
renderObjective |
static boolean |
renderPortal |
static boolean |
renderVignette |
static int |
right_height |
animateOverlayMessageColor, chatListeners, displayedSubTitle, displayedTitle, healthUpdateCounter, highlightingItemStack, itemRenderer, lastPlayerHealth, lastSystemTime, mc, overlayBoss, overlayDebug, overlayMessage, overlayMessageTime, overlayPlayerList, overlaySubtitle, persistantChatGUI, playerHealth, prevVignetteBrightness, PUMPKIN_BLUR_TEX_PATH, rand, remainingHighlightTicks, spectatorGui, titleDisplayTime, titleFadeIn, titleFadeOut, titlesTimer, updateCounter, VIGNETTE_TEX_PATH, WIDGETS_TEX_PATH
Constructor and Description |
GuiIngameForge(Minecraft mc) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ScaledResolution |
getResolution() |
protected void |
renderAir(int width,
int height) |
protected void |
renderArmor(int width,
int height) |
protected void |
renderBossHealth() |
protected void |
renderChat(int width,
int height) |
protected void |
renderCrosshairs(float partialTicks) |
protected void |
renderExperience(int width,
int height) |
void |
renderFood(int width,
int height) |
protected void |
renderFPSGraph() |
void |
renderGameOverlay(float partialTicks) |
void |
renderHealth(int width,
int height) |
protected void |
renderHealthMount(int width,
int height) |
protected void |
renderHotbar(ScaledResolution res,
float partialTicks) |
protected void |
renderHUDText(int width,
int height) |
protected void |
renderJumpBar(int width,
int height) |
protected void |
renderPlayerList(int width,
int height) |
protected void |
renderPortal(ScaledResolution res,
float partialTicks) |
protected void |
renderPotionIcons(ScaledResolution resolution) |
protected void |
renderRecordOverlay(int width,
int height,
float partialTicks) |
protected void |
renderSleepFade(int width,
int height) |
protected void |
renderSubtitles(ScaledResolution resolution) |
protected void |
renderTitle(int width,
int height,
float partialTicks) |
protected void |
renderToolHighlight(ScaledResolution res) |
protected void |
renderVignette(float lightLevel,
ScaledResolution scaledRes) |
addChatMessage, displayTitle, getBossOverlay, getChatGUI, getFontRenderer, getSpectatorGui, getTabList, getUpdateCounter, renderAttackIndicator, renderDemo, renderExpBar, renderHorseJumpBar, renderHotbarItem, renderMountHealth, renderPlayerStats, renderPortal, renderPotionEffects, renderPumpkinOverlay, renderScoreboard, renderSelectedItem, resetPlayersOverlayFooterHeader, setDefaultTitlesTimes, setOverlayMessage, setOverlayMessage, setRecordPlayingMessage, updateTick
drawCenteredString, drawGradientRect, drawHorizontalLine, drawModalRectWithCustomSizedTexture, drawRect, drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect, drawString, drawTexturedModalRect, drawTexturedModalRect, drawTexturedModalRect, drawVerticalLine
public static boolean renderVignette
public static boolean renderHelmet
public static boolean renderPortal
public static boolean renderHotbar
public static boolean renderCrosshairs
public static boolean renderBossHealth
public static boolean renderHealth
public static boolean renderArmor
public static boolean renderFood
public static boolean renderHealthMount
public static boolean renderAir
public static boolean renderExperiance
public static boolean renderJumpBar
public static boolean renderObjective
public static int left_height
public static int right_height
public GuiIngameForge(Minecraft mc)
public void renderGameOverlay(float partialTicks)
in class GuiIngame
public ScaledResolution getResolution()
protected void renderCrosshairs(float partialTicks)
protected void renderPotionIcons(ScaledResolution resolution)
protected void renderSubtitles(ScaledResolution resolution)
protected void renderBossHealth()
protected void renderVignette(float lightLevel, ScaledResolution scaledRes)
in class GuiIngame
protected void renderArmor(int width, int height)
protected void renderPortal(ScaledResolution res, float partialTicks)
protected void renderHotbar(ScaledResolution res, float partialTicks)
in class GuiIngame
protected void renderAir(int width, int height)
public void renderHealth(int width, int height)
public void renderFood(int width, int height)
protected void renderSleepFade(int width, int height)
protected void renderExperience(int width, int height)
protected void renderJumpBar(int width, int height)
protected void renderToolHighlight(ScaledResolution res)
protected void renderHUDText(int width, int height)
protected void renderFPSGraph()
protected void renderRecordOverlay(int width, int height, float partialTicks)
protected void renderTitle(int width, int height, float partialTicks)
protected void renderChat(int width, int height)
protected void renderPlayerList(int width, int height)
protected void renderHealthMount(int width, int height)